Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Benefits of farm fresh milk

Not many people are aware of this, but adulteration of milk is a huge grey industry in itself and there are many local dairy farms that are involved in such practices. But it is important that you only consume farm fresh milk, as it is a rich source of several essential nutrients, including protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin D. It has more omega 3 fatty acids, which are very important for your body. Fresh milk provides you with several benefits and can retain its natural flavor and taste if refrigerated properly unlike processed or powder milk, which tends to go bad.

Benefits of organic milk:

There are several benefits of going for organic milk. Firstly, organic standards require that the cows graze outdoors, on pasture, for as long as the grazing season allows. Secondly, this allows them with ample opportunity to roam in a non-crowded space with enough exercise.Thirdly, by the regulation of law, cows in an organic dairy farm cannot be fed antibiotics or hormone growth medicines to produce milk. It has to be natural. In addition, organic dairy cows must be raised on 100%-certified organic feed without herbicides, pesticides, or synthetic fertilizers. This ways you can get modern dairy farm milk for consumption without any hassle.

Pasteurized milk VS organic milk:

In most dairy farms today, cows are a living and breathing "bioreactors" for the generation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This is because pasteurized milk sold at supermarkets today comes from CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operation) where the animals are fed antibiotics. But if you go for organic milk, you are reducing the risk of facing health issues due to the buildup of omega 6 fatty acids. Hence, switching to organic product you can get some of the best milk in India to be delivered right to your doorsteps. However, research properly to make sure that your milk is coming from an organic farm.

Longer shelf life:

While there are undeniable advantages of going for organic milk, another important factor to consider is its long shelf life; while regular milk expires within about a week or sooner, organic milk lasts much longer than as long as a month. This happens because all organic milk brands sterilized milk at very high temperatures (around 280 degrees F), so it can be stored for up to two months. Because regular pasteurized milk is heated to only 165 degrees F or lower, it does not have the same shelf life. You can log online, research a little on the best milk in India, and say bye to your local vendor.